Logo of a black triangle with white text in the middle: RESIST COVID EUGENICS

resist covid eugenics art

Featuring distributable art and materials created to fight a pandemic


This is a collection of various graphics focused on fighting covid eugenics, public health disinformation, and fascist propaganda.
Click on the link to view each artist's original post and alt text.

Adaptation isn't Fear
click here for original posts + +

Forest Rohwer at the Rohwer Lab & Viral Information Institute at SDSU Collaboration
click here for original post with English and Spanish versions

Complicity Won't Save You
click here for original post

Cross Disability & Global Solidarity with Palestine
click here for original post

Do You Actually Believe That?
click here for original post

Fuck Back To Normal
click here for original post

IN-N-OUT Kills Workers
click here for original post

Inspired by Donald Moffett's HE KILLS ME
click here for original post // colorful version

There Is No Health Care, Only Health Harm
click here for original post

We Need To See Your Smile
click here for original post

Where Did They Put All The Bodies?
click here for original post

Where is your RAGE?
click here for original post

You Killed My Friend
click here for original post

Social Media Graphics

This is a collection of various graphics focused on fighting covid eugenics, public health disinformation, and fascist propaganda.
Click on the link to view each artist's original post and alt text.

3 Years, 1 Million Dead
click here for original post

Clean Air For...
click here for original post

Cross Disability & Global Solidarity with Palestine
click here for original post and tagged accounts

Disabled does not equal...
click here for original post

Nothing Queer About Complicity
click here for original post

The Company You Keep
click here for original post

click here for original posts

join us in art and disruption

Have you created anti-eugenicist distributable art or materials to advocate and educate around Covid?
Reach out so we can feature your it!